Q: Where can I pickup a free Easy Internet Setup Diskette? |
You can obtain our setup disk three ways: 1. Come in our office and pick up a disk. 2. Download the file directly from install.fidalgo.net 3. Pick up a disk at the Anacortes Radio Shack, Stanwood Radio Shack, or Destination Wireless in Sedro-Woolley. |
Q: What areas does Fidalgo Networking service? |
A: Currently Fidalgo Networking provides nationwide dialup access to our customers. A local number in your area can be found using our local number finder...available on our web site. |
Q: Does Fidalgo Networking offer DSL? |
A: Fidalgo Networking has offered DSL service since early 2000. DSL is a high speed, low cost dialup alternative that allows a 24 hour connection to the internet without tying up your phone line. See our DSL page for details. |
Q: My first bill appears to be higher than expected? |
The first bill you recieve will include the following three charges:
1. The one-time activation fee 2. The prorated charge for the remainder of your first month's service. 3. The charge for the next full month's service |
Q: How can I check my e-mail when I travel? |
Your e-mail can be checked anywhere in the world with an internet capable computer. Our web site includes an online mail feature, which displays undelivered mail messages stored on our server. You can also create, reply to, and forward e-mail much like you could do at home.
We also offer, as on option, a fee-bases 800 number for those requiring dialup access outside our normal service area. This is available upon request and must be authorized by our billing department before use. |
Q: My computer is connecting at slow speeds. Why? |
This question is not one easily answered. The following is a list of common fixes for slow connection speeds:
1. Slow modem hardware: If you do not have a V.92 capable modem, you should consider upgrading. Fidalgo Networking offers an inexpensive and highly effective modem hardware upgrade for only $14.95.Stop by our office for details. 2. Outdated modem software: Software updates may be available for your modem. These are either listed on your computer manufacturers web site (under support/downloads) or thru the modem manufacturer itself. This is not recommended for novice users. 3. Poor quality or malfunctioning phone lines: Ultimately, the phone lines will decide how fast your computer can connect to the Internet. Poor quality lines can yield slow connection speeds. You can call your phone companies repair line for a quick and free line test to determine if a line fault can be detected and repaired. |
Q: How do I stop unwanted E-mail (Spam)? |
A: Please call Technical support and ask to be put on our new spam filter program or signup online here: Spam Filter Signup Form |
Q: Should I be concerned with Virus protection? |
Most certainly the answer is “Yes”. E-mails containing viruses are on a rise, and will most likely continue to do so in the years to come. Our SPAM and Virus filter provides a healthy layer of protection but does not ultimately protect your PC directly. Today there are a viruses that infect your computer without the use of e-mail and can be stopped by downloading the latest microsoft security patches via www.windowsupdate.com Fidalgo Networking offers name brand virus protection for your PC at a below-retail cost of only $19.95. Stop by our office for details. |
Q: What do Comcast & Fidalgo have in common? |
A: Fidalgo Networking is an official reseller for comcast, we can sign people up for Cable TV, Internet and Phone through Comcast! |